WTS: EU: Eight Level 85 Characters

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (EU)' started by World of Warcraft, 3/30/12.

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  1. World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft
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    Hello there,

    Due to time constraints, I'm putting up my World of Warcraft account up for sale. There are a total of eight level 85s, all well-geared with at least one set of armour - two or possibly three, for PvP/healing/tanking/DPS depending on the character.

    They are all on one server, so perfect if you want to move and start over anew. All are eligible for transfers if you don't.

    Across all characters, there are:
    - 8374 Honour Points
    - Over 40 mounts - three of which are extremely rare RAF-only mounts (Swift Zhevra, X-53 Touring Rocket), seasonal-only mounts, the Traveller's Tundra Mammoth, and the two-person Sandstone Drake. The Celestial Steed and Winged Guardian mounts are available for all characters. See the links below, under the Mounts tab.
    - Almost all professions at 525 - exceptions are enchanting, tailoring, and jewelcrafting; however, I can work on those to 525 if needed. They are all above 400, so not far to go.
    - 7594 Justice Points to spend as you wish.
    - Over 30,000 gold.
    - Hard-to-acquire pets, such as the seasonal Father's Winter Helper, Plump Turkey, Mr. Wiggles, and Wolpertinger, among others.
    - Titles include: the Noble, Argent Champion, Champion of the Frozen Wastes, Jenkins, the Patient, the Pilgrim, of the Nightfall, Ambassador, the Kingslayer, Flame Warden, Assistant Professor, and Brewmaster.
    - All Cataclysm reputation factions, and Alliance/Horde factions, at Exalted (except for Therazane).
    - Heirloom items for every category has been acquired (cloth, leather, mail and plate, includes weapons and trinkets).
    - All characters have maxed flying skill.
    - All characters have dual specialisation purchased.

    Most importantly, there is just over two months' playtime still available for you to use (expires: 26/2/2012 at 22:15) and get acquainted with your new characters.

    - Male Worgen Rogue: .mywowarmory/profile.php?id=19792
    - Male Worgen Death Knight: .mywowarmory/profile.php?id=19793
    - Male Dwarf Shaman: .mywowarmory/profile.php?id=19794
    - Male Troll Druid: .mywowarmory/profile.php?id=19795
    - Male Worgen Priest: .mywowarmory/profile.php?id=19796
    - Male Worgen Hunter: .mywowarmory/profile.php?id=19798
    - Male Worgen Mage: .mywowarmory/profile.php?id=19799
    - Male Blood Elf Paladin: .mywowarmory/profile.php?id=19801
    - Male Worgen Warrior: .mywowarmory/profile.php?id=19803

    Get in touch with me here and we'll work something out if need be. I am the one and only account holder, which is in the UK region. This is a high-quality account, never before has it been compromised - many of the characters are ready to raid, and PvP geared for the latest season. As said before, I know every single detail of the account, so security will not be an issue, either. Bear in mind that I will advertise on several sites, but will give this one priority, obviously. I'll keep checking this place, so let me know if you have any questions I can answer.
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