Sold [Selling] [PC] TR - Master infiltrator - lvl 70

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rntao, 12/3/16.

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  1. Rntao

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    [PC] TR - Master infiltrator - lvl 70
    Selling Trickster rouge, master infiltrator:
    - lvl 70
    - 86 power pts, all main pvm skills maxed
    - Main focused on PvM, but is still effictive on Pvp.
    - All boons (except for the new ice campaing)
    - Orcus set on legendary
    - Mythic (heart of blue dragon, lantern of revelation, sigil of trickester, orcus)
    - 3.122 item level
    - enchant r8 min
    - 3 epic mounts (Stormraider Clydesdale, Guard drake, White tiger)
    - 1.3m+ AD
    - 2 newbie acc for the daily refine
    - VIP rank 5
    - Zentharim warlock (epic) bonding 10-11-12
    - 2 brutality +4 / 1 sudden precision +4
    - Dragonflight raid
    - Twisted set (legendary)

    Any questions fell free to ask here or via my email [email protected]. Final price is to be determined.



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