Selling  High End  North America +12 SoA NA Raven account

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vytrec, 3/9/24.

  1. Vytrec

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    My Location:
    Important informations:
    Server: NA Solace
    Payment: PayPal only
    Currency: USD or EUR

    Account informations:
    ERP: +420
    Main character on this account is NI (Raven) with +14m CP, +12 S5 SoA with Order title, full +11 r21 tene armor maxed out. Main also has a +11 EXP SoA without any stages yet but enough resources to finish S4 and S5 once S1-3 is done. EXP gear + ERP and IDR weapon + ERP is included on main
    Collection is also almost finished, everything is on MC class except RV (3rd class atm) and AV (newest class of lithia)

    This account has overall with the main 4 characters to do abyss normal mode (1 more Raven NI with +11 S4 SoA almost S5, order title is also unlocked, a Apsara and a Diangelion)

    For story abyss to farm abyss stones, you have overall 15 characters to do it that can enter abyss story

    for more informations about my account like screenshots please contact me on discord (vytrec)
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