Sold High end 7k account easy 4900+-legend arena weekly! Safe trusted seller

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by goYugiohPro, 12/3/16.

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  1. goYugiohPro

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    I no longer have time to play so I'm selling my account. Account info is linked to everyNetMarble for a very safe and smooth transition. I am a well known professional poker player who has handled tens of thousands of dollars in player trades so you can trust me fully. Or I can arrange a middleman service for 100% peace of mind.

    Level: 58
    Server: Asia
    Arena: 4600-4900+. I have previously hit Legend on this account.
    Payment: Paypal

    4 Lords:
    Ace 40 +5
    Lubu 40 +5
    Sun Wukong 36 +5 (2 more 4* to transcend if you need)
    Rin 38 +5 (current 7k puzzle, almost 40 +5)
    Teo 36 +5 (current chessboard hero)
    Karma 32 +5

    Extras: 3 Ace, 1 Lubu

    7 Knights:
    Spike 40 +5
    Eileen 38 +5
    Rachel 34 +5
    Dellons 34 +5
    Kris 4*

    Karma 40 +5
    Giparang 40 +5
    Yu Shin 40 +5
    Da Qiao 40 +5
    Guan Yu 40 +5
    Lina 40 +5
    Black Rose 40 +5
    Ming Ming 40 +5
    Shane 40 +5
    Espada 40 +5
    Karon 40 +5
    Xiao 40 +5
    Asura 40 +5
    Bi Dam 40 +5
    Bai Long 40 +5
    Sieg 38 +5
    Lee Jung 38 +5
    Velika 36 +5
    Bai Jiao 32 +5
    Rei 32 + 5
    Feng Yan 32 +5
    Yuri 32 +5
    Lucy 32 +5
    Karin 30+5
    Jake 30

    - Full 28 Awakened Speed Weapons available along with max Dragon Raid Armor and awakened 7k/4L armor.
    - Full jewel set including almost 40 unused 6* Jewels with Boss Jewels and 7k Jewels
    - 5* and 6* accessories used on each character

    - Hundreds of Rubies
    - 86+ Topaz
    - 678+ Tower of Abyss Points, 1790+ World Boss Points, 200+ Castle Rush Points, 50+ Awakening Shards

    Contact Me:
    - Please PM me with any offers
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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