Hi, my motivation has dropped for Brave Frontier and because of that, I've been extremely lazy with it lately. On top of that I've moved on to other things that I enjoy much more. I'll try and put as much details I can into this post. If there are any other questions, please contact me on Discord: Ken#8090. Level: 262 RC: 6 Arena Rank: Divine Gems: 2 Hunter Rank: 47 Unit Space: 300 Item Space: 265 (i think) Notable Units: Avant Ultor Darvanshel Bestie Selena (Omni) Tridon Haile Edea Lugina Rosetta Libera Andaria Avani Eze (Omni) Paris Exvehl Maxwell Krantz Ensa-Taya Ark Elza Semira Allanon Nyami Atro (Omni) Tazer Quaid Rize Raahgan Julius Deimos x2 Zedus x2 Mikael Lafiel Tillith Aurelia Charlotte Alice Zenia and many more. Asking price will be listed. Don't hesitate to contact me if you're interested or have any other questions.
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