Prestige 5 castle for sale power 44.9m 4.9m troops, of only t9 and t10 all troops prestige 5 science power 1.1m with ALMOST 100% in military P5 College P5 Drill ground P2 Market (you can send safe resources to other castles which has market above LVL 26! P3 Embassy & Hall of War P1 Hospitals P1 Wood & Food Farms full set of gold lvl 43 equipment mixed with conquest set to give more attack power in archers and sieges... Svip 10 with billions of resources 300k crystals.. 4k prestige badges still left for your choice.. dragon words fourth order all open TOP Alliance is your choice, I have no problems with any player, people love you, you dont need shield kingdom is very peaceful and more than 300 players online. If you are interested = Contact LINE ID: m1n1man1a