Requesting US$15 This is a great account for anyone looking to get into the joy that is Final FantasyBrave Exvius Japan. You will have progress to the 5th island, but all questsremain open for you to start and complete. Additionally many of the lapis challenges for fights are uncompleted soyou can return to early areas to battle and easily grow your lapis total. Account details areas follows: Current Rank = 44 Lapis = 10K+ Summon Tickets = 20 Red Summon Tickets =5 40 King MetalCactuar + 17 Giant Metal Cactuar available to rapidly rank up your favoriteunits Many characters havehigh Limit Burst levels. Multiple trustrewards applied 6 Star Units Rikku Kefka Garland Warrior of Light Chizuru 5 Star Units Ashe Firion Earth Veritas Refia Notable 4 Star Units Moogle x 4 Bikini Fina Leonardo Gaffgarion Victoria Rasler Setzer Cloud of Darkness Garnet Vaan Seven ...more Notable 3 Star Units Leo Celes Amarant Freya Tellah Artemios Charlotte Hayate Lid Warrior Lid Rozelia Kujo Edgar Krile Shantotto Bartz Zidane ...more Many more units to enjoy. Powerful and usefulfriend accounts to ensure success in nearly every battle. Requesting US$15 PayPal for payment Account ID to beshared once payment received.