1. /u/m1cha3l___

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    WTT 15x5*

    ◠◠ **WTT!_!_**

    **AR 56 EU 15x5***

    *Neuvilette + BiS & NC*

    *Yoimiya + BiS*

    *Furina + NC*

    *Keqing + NC*


    *Hu Tao*

    *C2 Mona*



    *TotEF (neuvi BiS)*

    *Thundering pulse (yoimiya BiS)*

    *Jadefall's Splendor (baizhu BiS)*

    *Skyward blade*


    *9 days of welkin (already claimed today), xinqiu skin, 20+ name cards, male MC, supports are being worked on but are currently not built, all archon, story and aranara quests done.*

    **issues:** lost receipts

    **LF:** kaveh + navia, navia, kaveh, EU, fem MC, furina, ruan mei & huohuo

    **NLF:** Ayato main, masc based accounts, trashed, lowballs (>12x5), multis, other servers (unless overpay/IA)

    **IA:** ***4ggravate + navia***, kaveh & navia + BiS, furina navia nahida w lumine MC

    **pls dont feel scared to offer!**

    # #/m1cha3l___
    . .
    #1 /u/m1cha3l___, 2/29/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/24/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.