eBay accounts Linked with .! . Business Fully verified.✅ High selling Limit 50k/ 500k$✅ 1 active listing ✅ Full Cookies ✅ Warranty 48 Hours✅
Hi, i'm looking at purchasing 1 ebay seller account and if it goes well, I'd like to purchase 10 more.. i'm looking for either a USA or Canada account where the selling limit is decent. I'd like to use either . or I can add my own Canada or USA bank account . Please let me know if you have and how much it would be and how much the selling limit is? Thanks in advance!
Scam Alert: This User is A Scammer. He Get Your Money and Block You! Think Twice *Please Report Him to PlayerUP *if You Have a Proof Please Put Here
Look at yourself. You keep following successful sellers and and rate them negatively and report them even though u ve never dealed with one of them. ENVY KILLS YOU FROM INSIDE. DIE!