Sold [Selling] BlizzCon 2019 Virtual Ticket In-Game Goodies Code

Discussion in 'Overwatch 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AshiAagi, 2/28/24.

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  1. AshiAagi

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    Discord: viganoeleonora
    Discord: viganoeleonora
    Discord: viganoeleonora

    Price: $110 BTC

    World of Warcraft®
    Ride the tides of war with a pair of murloc-ified faction leaders: Finduin (for Alliance heroes) and Gillvanas (for the Horde!). Plus, bundle up for your next trip to the icy mountains with the whimsical Wendigo Woolies transmog outfit.

    Mark 25 years of Azeroth as you fight for future Earth with two Legendary Overwatch skins based on iconic World of Warcraft heroes. Are you prepared for Illidan Genji and Tyrande Symmetra?

    Bond over some fond memories the next time you sit down for a duel with the BlizzCon 2019 card back. Then prepare to draw a mysterious Golden Legendary card

    Heroes of the Storm™
    Make your mark in the Nexus with a commemorative BlizzCon spray and portrait, and ride into battle on Celestial Deepcrawler mount.

    StarCraft® II
    Equip a trio of Brood War–era unit skins and portraits the next time you go into battle. Scout for a zerg ambush aboard the Classic Battlecruiser, hunt your prey with the sinewy Classic Ultralisk, and honor Tassadar’s sacrifice with the Classic Carrier.
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