Like the title. SHD 5500+. All exotic looted . lots of godrolls item . Every loadout/build is maximum. Expertise Level = 9 Hightlight of the account : + Eagle bearer MAX + Ravenous MAX + Regulus MAX + St elmo MAX + Ouroborus MAX + Lots of exotic max like gear ... + Appeal key : > 1000-2000 + All upgrade purchase include Descent + All build is maximum/godrolls -Build include : + 1 shot with white death ( 26mil dam ) + 1 shot stability ( Can hip fire with it ) + 1 shot with Regulus + Striker variant ( Ouroborus + St elmo + EB + Backfire hazard) + Hunter Fury variant ( Memento Ouroborus + Intimidate Adrenaline ) + Ravenous DPS umbra + Tank build + Healer build + Negotiator build - The account level is 5500+ and have 4 character ---> mean you can salvage as much and optimize the build like you want. ... - Lots of appeal and currently have 5-6k premium credits - All done by myself . No exploit no hacking/cheating - Add me if interested and want to negotiate the price Discord : fulminata._. or : Azrael#0491