Selling Selling Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing 16x 6 star account 103 lvl

Discussion in 'Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dzejkopik, 12/1/16.

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  1. Dzejkopik

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    So as you can see account has 14 already awakened 6 stars and 2 5stars which can awake to 6*(Kimimaro and Jirobo) every single one of my 6 star has maxed pills except sasuke other things worth mentioning:
    -Pvp Hinata and Sakura are 80 luck
    -Shisui has 3 abilities
    -Lee has 2 abilities
    -Dodge Kakashi(green) has 2 abilities
    -Neji has 1 ability
    -All farmable units has all abilities unlocked or all abilities + one dupe if they arent evolved
    -Story and Co-op pearls are done but there are still a lot of pearls to earn through emergency missions
    -Account is lvl 103 with 165 box space
    If you wanna know why i trade it is because i just play too much games like 4 right now and it affects my school and etc. so i have to resign with at least one.
    PM me offers i will reply to every single one and consider it
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