Sold Selling 61 Billion Account for sale in NOIN State 108

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SpungeBob1, 11/30/16.

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  1. SpungeBob1

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    I am selling my account in NOIN state # 108.

    61 billion power (top 50 in the state)
    20 million gold
    400+ billion of all resources (30 day 100% reduction for food is on)
    hundreds of days of speed ups still left
    All top gear with mods and 10+ Core sets in inventory research is 18+ billion - all research done but half merc's (t4 not unlocked yet) and new battle tactic tree
    500+ million troops - all T4 (mostly adv t4)
    Commander 63 (I have 1 mil com coins of the 1.4 mil needed to get to commander 64) Billions of commander xp and VIP
    VIP 100 - always active

    This base is part of the Global Alliance team that just won GCP's last event.

    I am asking $1,500 USD. PayPal only.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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