Hi guys Like you can see in the pics I have registered my acc nearly 5 years ago, and as you can imagine by now I have achieved thousands of hours of playing and dying. I hope You will enjoy it as much as I did. SO. I only accept PayPal payment because its safer for both sides if anything goes wrong You can always get Youre money back How? - Pay Pal refund policy. The account comes with: -Yellow 56 star. -Good and short account name -Best eq, many dyes & rare items. -Legendary pet 73 Level = HEAL / 68 MP HEAL / Attack Far -7 character slots -4 open Vaults -15 skins unlocked (excluded standard ones) -3x 8/8 chars, 2x 6/8 chars! 1 char which I stared maxing 0/8 atm and 1 mule -I have never ever been dupng, bxing etc. PICS: I have answered security questions, and wrote it down. I also have all my last 3 gold transactions write down since 2014. Contacts: my skype is Mjurkowski99. Email domain - A fresh email on Gmail !IMPORTANT! Afer buying my account and receiving the security questions it's good to make a transaction form You're paypal account on the account to make it 100% safe Attached Images http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/png.gif items.png[/URL] [Download and Thanks] (365.1 KB) [*]http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/png.gif pet.png [Download and Thanks] (217.2 KB) [*]http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/png.gif playerup name.png [Download and Thanks] (211.2 KB)