Is it true you can refund anything if you have old account with legit orders?

Discussion in 'Marketing Other Services For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by InstantnatsnI, 11/30/16.

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  1. InstantnatsnI

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    Hi is it true if you have 3 years amazon account with loads of legit orders and no refunds then you can refund anything on your first try? I keep getting alot of people saying that but I don't believe it. I do have a legit family account with over 100 orders legit and no refunds. I am planning to buy new GPU but what is the limit? I am from the UK. and what is the best thing to say on live chat? It is 110% going to be signed delivery so yh :(
    would it be best to say no item in box or buy 2 items and say that the GPU has not arrived? again if I buy 2 or 3 items and say gpu not arrived then wouldn't that be risker since its signed? I dont get this I really really appreciate some help people :)
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