Sold Reminder: Rule 3B for offsite trades (Facebook., Discord, etc.)

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/enlightened_pogo, 2/21/24.

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  1. /u/enlightened_pogo

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    Hello r/pokemonexchange[/URL]. There has been an increase in Rule 3B violations, specifically for Pokemon being traded through Facebook. and Discord before being offered here and for Pokemon currently residing in Pokemon Go. This post is a reminder and a quick guide to applying Rule 3B to Pokemon that are not self-redeemed/caught or traded for on r/pokemonexchange or r/pokemontrades.

    The following is NOT an exhaustive list of all Rule 3 requirements. Please take a look at the pokemonexchange rules page for more details.

    Rule 3B - Where and from whom you obtained the Pokemon

    1. For all communities other than Facebook., a Username MUST be provided.
    2. For Facebook., a username MAY NOT be provided as this is often a real name and is not allowed.
    3. For all communities, the community's name (i.e., Facebook. group, Discord server, subreddit, etc.) MUST be provided. If the trade was private and outside a community, this detail MUST be provided explicitly (Example: private trade on Discord with user SomePokemonPlayer).
    Other Rule 2 & 3 Requirements

    1. If you are uncertain if a Pokemon has been tampered with or is a clone, you MAY NOT offer that Pokemon here, regardless of circumstances.
    2. Disclosures MUST include any of the following involved in obtaining a Pokemon in Pokemon Go: GPS spoofing, account sharing, account trading, the use of glitches, and in-game trading.
    3. Pokemon from Pokemon Go MAY NOT be traded to other users in Pokemon Go on r/pokemonexchange
    1. as this requires GPS spoofing or being in a shared physical location. These Pokemon MUST be traded to Pokemon HOME (or Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee) before being traded on r/pokemonechange.
      [*]If a spreadsheet or website is used to list Pokemon being traded or exchanged, all Rule 3 information MUST be copied into the thread before completing the trade.

    Disclosure Examples!

    Here are some easy-to-read, compliant Rule 3 disclosure examples adhering to the above rules. This format is NOT REQUIRED but is provided to help the trading community present disclosure information better.

    • Melemele Island Shiny Tapu Koko, ENG, OT: Melemele, ID: 170714, History: SomeRedditUsername > me, Proof: A-Button
    • Eclipse Duo Shiny Solgaleo, JPN, OT: Eclipse, ID: 100419, History: HankTheTrader (Scarlet/Violet Discord Server) > me, Proof: Wondercard
    • Eclipse Duo Shiny Lunala, JPN, OT: Eclipse, ID: 100419, History: Facebook. (MyLittlePokemon Facebook. Group), Proof: Proofless
    • Shiny Jirachi in Master Ball, OT: JSB (or custom), ID: 123456, History: self-caught, Proof: can provide screenshots/video on request
    • Shiny Giratina in Premier Ball, OT: JSB (or custom), ID: 123456, History: self-caught, Proof: can provide screenshots/video on request, Disclosure: GPS spoofing used
    # #/enlightened_pogo
    #1 /u/enlightened_pogo, 2/21/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/18/24
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