[Offering] Fitbit SE work 1/2 orders a day!

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by kevinvdz, 11/30/16.

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  1. kevinvdz

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    Hello guys,

    i am having my own fitbit shop, and i have a lot of orders at the moment but i'm in a lack of time.
    So i am hiring some profesional SE'ers which can do some daily orders for me.

    - you have to provide your own accounts
    - you will get paid AFTER you have provided me with the confrimation number
    - After i have given you the order you have to complete it within 48 hours
    - you will get paid Paypal only

    You will get paid $15 every succesful SE you have done.

    For further information, and if you are interested add me on skype, SexSlaveVDZ.


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