Server 17, Ops 56, 300 mil power

Discussion in 'Star Trek Fleet Command STFC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dreezed, 2/19/24.

  1. Dreezed

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    Selling my STFC account with years of playtime on it, roughly 290 million depending on ships deployed.

    Almost everything on the station is 55+, a few nodes still leveling up but they arent impactful on the station / game play. Lots of research completed and millions of mined materials stored for turn ins.

    Over about 49 Million Latinum
    Billions in Red, Blue, and Green
    All but 7 officers unlocked
    All of the farming ships unlocked except the new NX01 enterprise

    Reputations as follows:
    Fed 10 million
    Klingon 7 Billion
    Rom 1 Billion
    Augment Maxed
    Rogue Maxed
    Bajoran Maxed
    Ex-Borg 124k
    Section 31 19,160

    Syndicate level 29

    3 Command officer slots unlocked, have Kirk, Spock, and Locutus (halfway to sloan and seven, with tons of command officer experience / credits to upgrade them).

    Ships as follows (power varies by crews utilized)
    Quv'Sompek Tier 7, 439 million, tier 5 lvl 25 time crystal
    Vor'Cha - tier 6, 212 million power, tier 2 lvl 10 metreon cascade
    Vi'Dar Talios tier 11, 168 million power
    Nova tier 7, 105 million, Tier 2 lvl 10 romulan mining laser
    Korinar, Tier 11, 95 million power with cloak
    Voyager Tier 11, 80 million power
    Cube Tier 9, 70 million power
    K'tinga Tier 11, 66 million power with cloak
    Valdore tier 9, 60 million power
    Defiant tier 10, 46 million power
    Monaveen tier 5, 40 million power
    Jellyfish, tier 9, 36 million power
    B'chor tier 12 30 million power
    Hydra tier 11, 24 million power, tier 1 lvl 5 malon extractor
    Enterprise tier 9 23 mil
    D'vor Feesha 19 mil, tier 3 lvl 15 whip
    Maxed Franklin A
    Cerritos tier 9
    Mantis tier 9
    Vorta Vor tier 8
    Titan Tier 8
    Sarc tier 6
    Amalg tier 9 with cloak
    Vi'dar Tier 9
    Stella tier 9, almost completely finished with research for this area as well, 1 to 2 more scraps will give enough resources to finish it
    Discovery tier 9
    Not listing the rest but there are some smaller ships for TC takeover spamming and such as well.

    Current as of today on Battlepasses for waves, TC take overs, and the monthly battle pass.

    Tier 5 resourches:
    C: 104.9k
    UC: 71.4K
    R: 2,364
    E: 9800

    C: 67k
    UC: 12K
    R: 2400
    E: 3815

    UC: 85k
    R: 25K
    E: 7200

    Lot of primes on here as well over 70, I spent a fair share of money on this game over the years, looking for a clean break from it. Please reach out and let me know if you have any questions. Once payment is confirmed I will help you go through the process of securing the account to your password and email information.
    #1 Dreezed, 2/19/24
    Last edited: 2/19/24
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