1.1 Trillion Power Hero70 SH26 VIP26 99Billion Research.Too many items to list

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by suspensible, 11/29/16.

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  1. suspensible

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    Power is 1.1 Trillion, 99 billion research, 50 Million Gold
    220 trillion in resources
    Stronghold 26 most urban buildings level 25
    Hero level 70 and enough medals and xp to get you the next few when they come out over 10,000,000 medals and over 15 trillion xp (LOL!)
    VIP26 and enough to get you next few when they come out over 15bil points waiting.
    Make hundreds and hundreds of cores with what i have, alot of huge boosts left too.
    Over 1,000,000 Days in speeds, yes over one million days in speeds!
    Over 30,000,000 Time orbs.
    Train 25,000,000 troops at a time.
    many many many gem sets for gem set bonus.
    Has every normal set you would want in the game.

    If you have any questions or want more pictures line id is: suspensible
    Make me an offer i cant refuse
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