Sold Selling account

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Misha85, 11/29/16.

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  1. Misha85

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    State MACO #335

    68 billion of government
    700 million troops (650milion T4 and the rest T3)
    Wage T4 Troops Unlocked

    All Research Trees Completed 100% but the mercenary troops, they are 60% study
    23 billion troops power
    1 million Power Trap
    21 billion to 22 billion research missions

    The commander level 63
    VIP LVL 100

    70 million gold
    Black market credits: 1.1 million

    Establishes the commander is ready to defend, attack, research and training troops
    All of the top sets of clothing at the moment, to protect the attack.
    A large number of accelerations and resources by 200 billion each

    The bill is still being developed, if you have questions write.
    good fun
    For more info PM
    Price 1150$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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