Sold Selling 10 Year Account

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by BrandonGem, 11/28/16.

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  1. BrandonGem

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    Selling my runescape account :P

    Account has 10 year cape (Clean account besides minor mutes back in 2008 , account has 0 ban/mute meter)

    Account has over 7 Soromon shop sets and various other items including pets and weapon fashion.

    I accept payment via paypal (Asking 40$ USD)

    Can contact me here or add my skype for a faster response. First come first serve so first person with my asking price will get to purchase account. (no holds on sales)

    Skype name: brandon dimopoulos ([email protected])

    Great little item at a VERY reasonable price as account is over 10 years and has over 100$ alone in solomon shop items and fairly decent skill levels.

    Looking forward to hearing from you :P

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