Sold Selling Founder pack w/ premium rank 9 + two ultra-rare desirable names

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by blatike, 11/28/16.

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  1. blatike

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    Hi, this is a founder pack account, but I quit the game right before hongmoon levels came out so the characters themselves are just level 45

    I do have a lot of the early costumes bought (nearly all of them), not sure if they are still offered in store so might be rare. I spent A LOT of real $ in the cash shop, so this has a high premium level.

    I will list out the two names via description in-case i get in trouble (not sure about the rules). If you have serious interest, I can screenshare with you to prove legitimacy in a private skype session.

    Rare Names
    1. A wild animal that usually hunts in packs and known for howling at the moon - level 45 BladeDancer
    1. One of the four elements, the one associated with storms and tempests - level 45 Assassin

    Asking price:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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