Selling per day id sell dibo . valo kono buyer pelam na...

Discussion in 'Facebook Accounts for Sale | Buy & Sell Account' started by Khademul Islam Masum, 11/24/16.

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  1. Khademul Islam Masum

    Khademul Islam Masum
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    per day id sell dibo . valo kono buyer pelam na ami . team member 10 $8 - Dhaka, Bangladesh per day payment dibe emn buyer cai . per day 200 id sell korbo . Profile Picture (4 pic) Profile : Hometown, City, School, College.(All skip) Relationship: Single Interested In: Men Friend : 70+
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    মোঃ মাহাবুব উল আলম

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    inbox me
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    Apurbo Majumder

    Apurbo Majumder
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    7 kore unlimited nibo
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    মোহাম্মদ জোবায়ের খাঁন

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    amake diya dakta paran chittar kina aga jasai korben id dawar aga
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    Naim Hasan Ontor

    Naim Hasan Ontor
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    শেখ সিদ্দিকুর রহমান

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    7 tk
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    Al-Shahriar Tonmoy

    Al-Shahriar Tonmoy
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    FB id Requirment - 1. USA Female Name 2. 4+ profile pic high quality same girl Cute and sexy look (no model pic, no cropped pic, no Asian girl pic) kalo, onek mota, picture e sathe kono sele ba children ase emon pic deya jabena. Group pic Profile pic hoya jabena. good size of pic that u must use : 640x640 pixel 3. profile pic should be looks like real, Cute and sexy must 4. Never use adalt pic 5. password e kono chinno(@#$%^&*) deya jabena 6. School, college, university, home city, current city should be added in profile 7. 60+ friend 8. relationship status- single, 9. Date of birth 1990-1996 all are random 10. interest- man City Name: Random per id 7 taka 500+ id dile 7.20 taka kore
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    Apurbo Majumder

    Apurbo Majumder
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    plz inbox..rate inbox e hbe
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    Tachin Ahmed

    Tachin Ahmed
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    7.25 dabo
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    Al-Shahriar Tonmoy

    Al-Shahriar Tonmoy
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    70 frnd er unlimited usa female fb id te ar kisu korte hobe na...just email verification er maddhome id ta khule 70 friend kore dilei hobe...excell sheet e "id name","email","password" ar "birthdate" likhe dite rate will be discussed in inbox....
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