Sold [Selling] West Server | 720m Fame | Full T8 | Personal account

Discussion in 'Albion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ulmimss, 2/8/24.

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  1. Ulmimss

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    Selling my personal account in Albion
    With og gmail
    Discord - ulmims

    Price - 90$

    Im selling my acc since I quit the game. There are 720kk of total fame, 21kk of the collector's fame. The collector swung long and hard, full t8, high trowels for collecting 80-100, brings from 2kk per hour. Almost everything has been pumped out for 100, 13kk of freedom, and 20 more books are lying, 50kk of silver loot for any needs. A clean acc, the mail has been changed to a clean one, never used. I'll send it with the mail. A lot of things have been pumped out in 500. Acc for any needs from PVP to gathering

    if you need more information dm in Discord.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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