Got bored playing the game, spent over 500$ in this account. LVL 113 Maxed Inventory (500) 13,274,815 Money 14 x 6* and Shukaku Gaara 5* (not awaken) Bought every character bundle (Gai fully maxed) Have every Phantom Castle character reward Have both multi character reward Here's screenshots of my full inventory along with the 6* characters that have unlocked ability. If you are interested either reply here or dm on Twitter @Knetog
Yes it is still for sale. Note, I still played every day in order to not be behind current content. Rest assured, I did not spend pearls but rather accumulated more for you to spend (168) if you buy the account. Also been leveling every single character to maximum level and currently farming Jirobo (new 6) to 99 luck. You can also private message me on twitter for further details if you want. @Knetog