Sold R6 account 25 unique black ice skins, halloween skins, 31 elites, emerald charms, pro league sets

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by iitzLazy124578, 1/31/24.

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  1. iitzLazy124578

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    Note: I have to sell my whole steam account to sell r6, r6 account is worth more than $700 for having outbreack packs, halloween packs, other events packs, super rare headgears and uniforms, black ices, pro leagues, elites, stats, charms, weapon skins, and much much more.

    price of whole steam is $800 (price is negotiabl-e)

    Discord: iitz_lazy

    my steam on steamdb is worth $400+ for the games i have at lowest prices, and rainbow six siege in-game purchases worth more than $700+ , price #.

    main game on steam is rainbow six siege, since year 2, its almost year 9 now in the game, been playing it for 7 years with alot of skins and elites, and other great games, if interested, keep reading.

    Note: rainbow six siege game is owned on steam and linked to a ubisoft account that has assassin's creed chronicles, farcry 3, the division, Uno, and watch dogs 2. Also, steam has 80+ games so i have to sell all the steam account with its games with r6.

    Steam Games:
    Main Games included:
    1- 7 days to die
    2- ALTF4
    3- Among Us
    4- Apex Legends( pathfinder, lifeline, gibby, champion editions included, with bloodhound young blood skin that has special animation, and many other legendary skins and finishers), Master badge from previous season ( season 17 )
    5- Assetto Corsa
    6- Badland game of the year edition
    7- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
    8- Batman: Arkham City GOTY
    9- Batman: Arkham Knight
    10- Battlefield 4
    11- Beat Saber
    12- Biped
    13- Borderlands 2
    14- Bird
    15- Broforce
    16- Call of duty black ops 3 full edition with season pass and zombies chronicles, zombies mode level 1000 with lots of gobblegums and liquid diviniums
    17- company of heroes 2
    18- Counter-strike
    19- counter-strike condition zero
    20- CS2
    21- counter-strike source
    22- The crew 2 (Game linked with ubisoft account)
    23- Cuphead
    24- A dance of fire and ice
    25- Deep rock galactic
    26- Death Sqaured
    27- Destiny 2
    28- Dont starve together
    29- Devour
    30- Dying light
    31- Dying light 2
    32- Fall guys
    33- The Finals Playtest
    34- For Honor - Public Test
    35- Gang Beasts
    36- Garry's Mod
    37- GTA 3
    38- Ground Branch
    39- Half-Life (beta)
    40- Halo Infinite
    41- Horizon Zero Dawn
    42- Human Fall Flat
    43- Hand simulator: survival
    44- It Takes Two
    45- Just cause 3
    46- Left 4 Dead 2
    47- Little nightmares
    48- Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
    49- Metal gear solid V: the phantom pain
    50- Midnight Ghost Hunt
    51- Overcooked 2
    52- Overwatch 2
    53- Payday 2
    54- Pico Park
    55- Portal
    56- Portal 2
    57- Project zomboid
    58- PUBG
    59- Pummel Party
    60- Quatro
    61- Ready or not
    62- Risk global domination
    63- Rocket league
    64- SCP: Secret lab
    65- Scribble it
    66- Shellshock live
    67- Splitgate
    68- Squad
    69- Stardew valley
    70- Stick fight: the game
    71- StrangerZ
    72- Streets Of Kamurocho
    73- Sven co-op
    74- Tabletop simulator
    75- Team Fortress 2
    76- Tomb raider
    77- Rainbow Six Siege ( account since year 2, with all outbreack packs that came out in year 3 season 1, packs were 80$ worth, last halloween event more than 60 packs were bought, worth 100$, alot of halloween headgears and uniforms
    with 30+ elites for several defenders and attackers,

    for attackers elites: sledge, thatcher, ash, thermite, twitch, montagne, fuze, IQ, Blackbeard, Capitao, Hibana, Jackal, Zofia(2 elites for zofia), Dokkaebi, Nomad, Iana

    for defenders elites: Mute, Pulse, Rook, Kapkan, Jager, Bandit, Frost, Valkyrie, Caveira, Echo, Lesion, Ela, Vigil, Mozzie.

    pro league skins, operator cards and portrait, backgrounds, weapon skins and charms, emerald charm for year 8 season 2 and 3. emerald card background for operators year 8 season 3, plat charms since year 2 and year 3,

    black ice skins: Attackers: Sledge shotgun and pistol, thatcher shotgun and pistol, and for his AR33 weapon, twitch 417 marksman rifle, glaz sniper, IQ Aug A2, Hibana Shotgun, jackal C7E, Ying LMG, Dokkaebi DMR, Lion 417 Marksman rifle(same as twitch), Maverick M4, Nomad ARX200, Amaru Shotgun, Kali Sniper, Iana ARX200, Zero MP7 and SC3000K, Flores AR33, Sens 417 marksman,

    Deffenders: Smoke and mute for shotgun and pistol, castle and pulse for UMP45, Doc and Rook MP5, Jager black ice for both AR and Shotgun, Bandit shotgun and MP7, frost AR, Valkyrie SMG and shotgun, Echo Shotgun, Ela SMG, Maestro LMG, Mozzie P10 roni SMG, Warden SMG and shotgun, Wamai Aug A2, Oryx Shotgun, Melusi MP5, Aruni P10 roni SMG and DMR, Thorn Shotgun, Fenrir MP7, Tubarao MPX

    Total unique Black Ice skins: 25 black ice ( which means if doc, rook, and melusi have the same weapon with black ice skin on, i count them as one black ice not 3, so total of unique black ice skins without duplicates from operators, and unique to special weapons, is 25 black ice skins)

    Pro league set for: Alibi, Lion, finka, dokkaebi, maestro, vigil, ying, zofia.

    the rainbow six siege account is worth 700$. add me for more pics and information)

    there are alot of headgears and uniforms that i should show images of them to be clear, the account is very interesting and i put a lot of effort into it throughout these years.

    78- Undawn
    79- Unturned
    80- V Rising
    81- Valheim
    82- Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt
    83- VRChat
    84- Wallpaper engine
    85- We were here
    86- We were here Forever
    87- We were here Together
    88- We were here Too

    price $800 and negotiabl-e

    Discord: iitz_lazy
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