WTS: EU: 6x 85s ! CHEAP ! Druid,Priest,Pala,Hunter,Mage,DK ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (EU)' started by World of Warcraft, 3/30/12.

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  1. World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft
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    I decided to stop wow and now i am selling my Eu.Battle.net account. It includes : 2 x World of Warcraft Cataclysm Account . The first account has the : 85druid,85pala.85priest,70pala twink,68druid . The 2nd account has the : 85hunter,85mage,85DK,76priest,65shaman. It still has some playtime so i am abled to show you the characters ingame . Please scammers - do not contact me !I dont accept paypal or any poker client money as payment way . Only serious buyers please . I am the original owner and I have all of the account information .Please, don't think that i will let you log into my account , before the payment is done . Don't try to fool me at any way . The price of the account will be , considered with the buyer , but it will be CHEAP ! Armory links will be given only to serious buyers !!If you want to contact me , send me a Personal Message or find me at MSN : ignariss@hotmail

    Here is some info about the characters :

    85 Night Elf Druid . PVE Character . Balance 2/5 t12 368ilvl. Feral - 362ilvl . Got about 15 titles , 5700achie points . Many mounts (Amani War Bear,Reins of the Dark Phoenix,Reins of the Golden King,Headless Horseman's Mount) . Realy nice character. 310% fly . The character has 125k gold .

    85 Undead Priest . PVE Character . Shadow spec 367ilvl 2/5 t12 . 280% fly. Headless Horseman's mount .

    85 Gnome Mage . PVE Character . 356ilvl 3/5 t11 . 280% fly . Realy good character . 17-19k dps on cata raids .

    85 Hunter Night Elf Hunter . PVP character , 3600 resilence. Fully pvp geared , ,Title : Knight (the old one) . Also got the mount Grand Black War Mammoth . 280%fly

    85 Blood Elf Paladin . 360ilvl at Holy Spec 1/5 t12! Ready for raids , fully gemed and enchanted. Headless Horseman's Mount.

    85 DK Night Elf . PVE Character . Tank ! Epics (wrist) 347ilvl. 180k life Unbuffed . Ready for raids . 280% fly .

    70 Human Paladin . PVP Twink ! Full PvP gear , full gems and enchants ! Ready for Arenas and 2.2k+ rating !

    80 Night Elf DK . Needs to be leveled and geared .
    76 Human Priest . Needs to be leveled and geared .
    68 Tauren Druid . Need to be leveled and geared .
    65 Draenei Shaman . Needs to be leveled and geared .
    65 Human Paladin . Needs to be leveled and geared .

    The account got all kind of heirloom items . Both armor+weapons .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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