Selling Selling Black Friday # Acc 1 main 244 rp on pvp acc 2 main 275 ms on pvp server

Discussion in 'Tibia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by standby88, 11/26/16.

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  1. standby88

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    I'm selling 2 accounts:

    ACC 1: 150€ [130€ on black friday]

    World Zeluna.

    RP 244 + ed 63 + ek 82
    skills 107/89 ml27

    Got like 4 or 5 vouchers days.

    can be transfered using normal transfer.

    ACC 2: 200€ [180€ on black friday]

    World Rowana.

    Main 275 MS with ml 86.

    This acc got 80 days of pacc

    Got full set, + cash and items like 10kk.

    Can be transfered with express.

    Got 4 or 5 vouchers days.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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