Selling CP 775 End Game Account (8 cHAR

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ProBreezy, 11/25/16.

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  1. ProBreezy

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    CP - 775
    Gold - 1,008,576
    Crowns - 5650

    - Upgrade for imperial race purchased
    - Any race any alliance purchased
    - Cadwells helm of heroism collected
    - Collected over 90 hairstyles
    - 31 costumes collected
    - Amber Plasm Skin Daub
    - Personalities collected: assassin, cheerful, drunk, furious, heroic, melancholy
    - Polymorphs collected: maelstrom baron, scarecrow Spectre, skeleton, xivkyn tormentor
    - Mounts collected: banded guard charger, black Sanche panther, cave bear, highland wolf mount, imperial horse, senche lioness, senche leopard, white mane horse
    - Pets collected: Echalette, housecat, jackal, nibenay mudcrab, sanguines black goat, striped sanche panther, vermillion scuttler

    Red guard - Dragonknight - AD (max)
    Major grade 2
    Shehai Shatterer
    516.59k AP
    Undaunted 9
    Mages Guld 10
    50 Woodworking , Blacksmithing , Alchemy , Clothing

    High elf - Sorcerer - EP (max)
    Centurion grade 2
    The flawless conquerer
    Shehai Shatterer
    Former Emperor
    296.52k AP
    Undaunted 9
    Mages Guild 10

    Red guard - Sorcerer - DC (max)
    The Flawless Conqueror
    Shehai Shatterer
    869.14k AP
    Undaunted 9

    Red guard - Nightblade - DC (max)
    426.53k AP

    Red guard - Templar - DC (max):
    Prefect Grade 2
    Former Emperor
    Shehai Shatterer
    Undaunted 9
    Mages Guild 10

    High elf - Nightblade - DC (max):
    106k AP

    High Elf - Templar - DC (Level 23)


    Full set of level 20 purple training gear
    Purple set of Vicious Death, mixed traits
    Gold set of eternal hunt, inpen
    Set of agility robust jewelry
    Gold vicious ophidian jewelry
    Viper set purple
    Twice born star, medium set, divines, gold
    Flanking set, medium, inpen, gold
    Black rose, heavy, inpen, gold
    VMA Bow in, defending, sharpened, precise, defending all gold.
    2 x dagger of night mother sharpened gold
    2 x VMA dagger precise gold
    VMA greatsword, precise gold
    VMA Maul, sharpened gold
    Willpower jewelry set arcane
    Gold Aether necklace
    Julianos, light, purple, divines
    Masters resto staff, defending gold
    VMA ice staff sharpened gold
    VMA inferno staff precise gold
    VMA lighting staff precise gold
    Sword of Vicious death sharpened gold
    Blood Spawn monster set
    Velidreth monster set
    Engine guardian monster set
    Gold fasallas neck
    Gold eternal yokeda neck
    Gold Vicious ophidian neck
    Purple widow maker neck
    VMA one handed axe sharpened gold
    VMA one handed axe sharpened purple
    VMA 2H Axe sharpened gold
    VMA bow gold decisive gold
    Hunding rage gold set inpen medium
    Magnus gold set light
    Kagrenacs hope light set gold
    Magnus light set gold
    VMA one handed made gold defending
    VMA gold 2H Maul gold defending
    Blood Spawn gold set
    Malubeth gold set
    2 x infallible Aether rings gold
    VMA shield sturdy gold
    Skoria set
    VMA resto staff infused gold
    VMA resto staff sharpened gold
    2 x torugs pact sword gold

    There is more gear on the account! This is just to give you a good idea of it

    57 bugloss
    11 columbine
    25 cornflower
    84 lady's smock
    51 grain solvent
    1 tempering alloy
    4 druegh wax
    7 elegant lining
    2 kuta
    28 rekuta
    16 frost mirriam
    73 mastic

    There are also more Matts this are just the most valuable ones

    If You interested sent a E-mail to: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    evren yesildal likes this.
  2. Pope612

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    What platform
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. evren yesildal

    evren yesildal
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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    i m interested but if we knew which platform and server, it would have been easier to decide.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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