Sold [WTS] Fame Farming and Maxing Service

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by giantbears, 11/25/16.

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  1. giantbears

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    I'm doing a fame farming and maxing service

    Fame Farming will cost $1 USD per 150 fame, and if I get you too 2k It causes an extra $1 USD, i'll get you white star without wasting you time!

    Maxing service will differ in cost depending on character you can message my skype for prices per character.

    1. I will not go first unless you have many vouches (ie 12 or more)
    2. I you will give me the account info, either your steam or rotmg account
    3. I will log into your account, do the fame farming or the maxing of your character (also I will not farm fame with any valueable items like uts or sts)
    4. I will log off and delete the messages about the password
    5. We will both be happy, I made money and you got maxed or fame without trying!:D

    My skype in "playerup giantbears"
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