Sold [WTS] Fame Farming Service

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by friendfob, 11/25/16.

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  1. friendfob

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    With the ever increasing costs of pet feeding, fusing, and pet yard upgrades as you increase the quality of your pet, there becomes a greater disparity between the fame you can farm and the fame you need.

    Okay, I'll cut the act...

    I simply like to farm fame, I have farmed over 7k base fame on a character of mine (dead now :( ) simply because I wanted to...

    I am offering the following offers:

    $1.35 USD per 667 total fame you want added to your account (this is cheaper for you if you want lots of fame to feed pet or something)

    $5.00 USD: 647 base fame with bonuses to 2K (This is your best option for white star)

    OR personalized offer we could discuss over skype.

    Here is how it goes down:
    1: You give me the money first (I am no fool)
    2: You give me your account details
    3: I farm
    4: I close game and forget your account details (If I were you, I would change your Password and Email just to be safe, in case I have a keylogger on my computer *****very improbable*****)
    5: Profit
    6: You do not charge back :3

    Contact and Payment
    1: You can contact me over skype at: Tuxmcgee
    2: You will comment on this thread
    3: Payment over PayPal only (But I might be open to steam gift cards or in game items... but like... idk, that would warrant a bit of a price markup)

    Vouch Thread (It is currently empty as of 11/20/16 due to my lack of trading, but I do have 1 whole vouch in my sig :3)

    Anything Extra:

    I will not chat on your account.
    I won't change ur login or steam your account
    I won't take items (refresh your muledump before and after if you think I'm a thief)
    I will not farm on any character with st's, ut's, 8/8, or with rare items. Vault items if you want me to farm on it.
    Times matter, as a result of school being in session. I will be available for contact and fame farming during these times: 12-8 pm Central (with exceptions for econ and wrestling practice, tournaments, and duels) and weekends.
    Fame farming means 2 things: 1, you cannot play on your account at that time (duh) and 2, it takes a while depending on amount.
    #1 friendfob, 11/25/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 7/12/19
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