Discussion in 'One Piece Treasure Cruise OPTC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Leonardo Corti, 11/25/16.

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  1. Leonardo Corti

    Leonardo Corti
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    WTT QUAD LEGEND + DUPE + G3 + 9 MAXED SHIPS LVL288 FREE I want to trade my BEAST account for another one. WHAT IM LOOKING FOR: A quad or more legends pirate level 190+. 3 of those legends MUST BE: Sw Ace, Int hawk, Sw Shanks or Psy Law(law is prefered). The last one can be anything even Boa is ok. I OFFER: A quad legends account with: - WB: maxed level, maxed sockets, 93 hp candies and 33 books waiting for the skill up event - Corazon: maxed level some rcv candies - Int Hawk: TRIPLE MAXED - Sw Shanks: QUAD MAXED - Dozens of maxed/double maxed/triple maxed units/raid bosses: like mc, garp, doffy, coliseum hawkins. -9 maxed ships -4 feasts This account is a real beast ot devours any isle, raid bosses and coliseum. And it is at 346 days log in streak. MM IS A MUST, IF YOU DONT WANT TO USE IT YOU GO FIRST AND LEMME VERIFY THE ACCOUNT.
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    Daniel Gunawan

    Daniel Gunawan
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    Ll,ace,shanks,ray bro?
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    Kaan Hüseyinoglu

    Kaan Hüseyinoglu
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    5 legend japan account with Jimbei,Marco,LL,Ray,Goku but plvl 92
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    Kaan Hüseyinoglu

    Kaan Hüseyinoglu
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    with maxed merry and mihawk ship (not modded)
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    Mark Fernandez

    Mark Fernandez
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