Selling {android/japan} 125 gems 10 legend plv 231 $100...

Discussion in 'One Piece Treasure Cruise OPTC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Juan Calderon, 11/24/16.

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  1. Juan Calderon

    Juan Calderon
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    {android/japan} 125 gems 10 legend plv 231 $100 - Los Angeles, CA (90019) Want to sell my 10 legend japan with 125 gems and 10 legends. Legends: log luffy, lucci, whitebeard,bartolomeo, doflamingo, sengoku, sabo, law, ray, jinbei -most of the legends have full sockets -most colosseum and important units are maxed in skill-up -story still not complete -mm required and you must pay mm fee. -willing to trade only for a good global or multi legend akainu japan
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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