Selling  High End  Rank 175+  Both Android/iOS GBF end game account R350 (Light Main) ready for all HL content

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Seph32796, 1/21/24.

  1. Seph32796

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    [still playing so amount of Gold Bar , Crystals , Ticket may get higher]
    > Mobage ID
    > Rank 350 (GBF Versus Rising Skin + a few other character skin)
    > SSR Character : 372
    Grand 43
    Divine General 7 (have Makura from last year) / (not included Divine General Season Characters)
    Halloween 9
    Valentine 5
    Summer 35
    Yukata 8
    Holidays 8

    > Juuten (all recruited)
    Sarasa (140) , Quatre (150) , Seox (150) , Siete (140) , Esser (120)
    Song (120) , Okto (150) , Nio (150) , Funf (100) , Anre (100)

    > Evoker (all recruited)
    Nier (100 + s4) , Hasse (100 + s4) , Caim (100 + s4) , Alanaan (100 + s4)
    Other still 80 (all mat. is ready for domain and FLB but need Evolite and Sunlight for s4)

    > New World Foundation Weapon (Evoker Weapon)
    Nier / Caim / Star / Devil / Moon / Judgement / Sun (all ULB)
    Tower (FLB) / Temperance (FLB) / Justice Sword 0*

    > Opus Weapon
    all done / have GBFVS Rising Faa DLC code, already pick light but not uncap yet

    > Ultima Weapon
    Sword / Spear / Axe / Staff / Gun / Fist / Kanata (s2 is NA cap , S3 is Seraphic)

    > Summon
    only 2 Primal ULB at the moment, other still at 2* or 1*
    Triple 000 , Belial , Bubz , Yatima (all of them already FLB)
    Baha 250 , Luci 250

    > Current Gold Bar setup
    Fire Manadiver 4 button 1 summon (within 8-9 sec)

    > illustrious weapon
    only Ura Fist

    > Important Mat. (will get higher by the time, I can give an update by DM)
    Crystals : 26,955
    10 Part Draw : 2
    Single Draw : 33
    SR/SSR ticket : 6
    Gold Bar : 11
    Damacus Bar : 1
    Sunlight Stone : 1
    Evolite : 0
    Sand of Eternity : 112
    Gold Moon : 121
    Gold Ring : 8
    Red Ring : 82

    ** I haven't pay attention too much about full auto grid only focus on burst btw **
    Grid -
    Grand Weapon -

    Price $1200 (#)
    Pay via Paypal
    DM through Discord : seph_the_pepega or $eph#0849
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