Sold Unique UGC item

Discussion in 'Roblox Items for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Item' started by imvegan3000, 1/19/24.

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  1. imvegan3000

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    Hello! I'm a YouTube Content creator and want to achieve a UGC plushie item on left shoulder. I know 3D modeling myself and will make the model, but the question is if a reliable UGC person can take the model after I make, upload on roblox marketplace and sell it to me as I order for purchase. I can pay well. can you guys explain short if you're a UGC creator that can do that for me, or if I'm being right about this method of achieving a UGC item? Thanks a lot in advance . Benyamin a.k.a...

    Unique UGC item
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