Sold 9,7M GP - 7 GLs: Leia JTH LV JMK JMLS SEE SLKR | Executor (6) | Reva Malgus GI Starkiller Boba KAM

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by QLC, 1/7/24.

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  1. QLC

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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  2. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

    154   0   0

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    7 GLs: Leia (R8) Jabba (R7) LV (R8) JMK (R8) JMLS (R8) SEE (R8) SLKR (R8)
    S T A T S
    GP: 9,7M | Zetas: 254 | Omicrons: 28 | 7★: 237 | G13: 170 | R8: 18 | R9: 0
    Mod Quality: 4.61 | Speed mods (20+): 134 | Speed mods (25+): 29
    Time zone changes remaining: 1
    (Resets in March 2024)
    Added: 07 January 2024 Owner: UgandanDrugLord (Discord)
    Original owner: Yes Linked: iOS
    S H I P S
    6★ Executor
    7★ Negotiator, 7★ Malevolence, 7★ Finalizer, 7★ Raddus
    Sçythe: 230/330 Fury: 215/330 Interceptor: Razor Crest:

    C H A R A C T E R S
    DTMG: ?/330 Malicos: ?/330 Trench: 170/330 Malgus: Ben Solo: 245/330
    CAT: Maul: Boba:
    Reva: G.Inquisitor: Starkiller: Aphra: X JKC Kestis: X
    KAM: Wat Tambor:
    Last price update: --- Last roster update: ---
  3. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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  4. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

    154   0   0

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    Discord: metodoquimico

    WhatsApp: +34 684 21 75 56


    Instagram: QUIMLC

    Telegram: QUIMLC

    Twitter: QUIMLC

    Languages: English, Español & Català

    I do a 24 hours/day live stream on YouTube, in the link above, to demonstrate that I'm a trusted seller, as no scammer would show the face on Internet.

    I also reply messages when I'm not available, so send me a message and I will reply you instantly or when I'm back.



    In my Discord server you can find some of the owners, to talk with them directly, for if you want ask something about the account.

    Anyway, they, as owners, will be interested to use my service for a safe transfer and you, as buyer, also should be interested to use me as middleman to assure the owner transfers you correctly the account and that lost the access in all mails and devices, if you try to do a pact excluding me is very easy be scammed.

    My Discord server also is useful to see announcements about my activity, like if I add some interesting tool for the method or I change something.
    #4 QLC, 1/7/24
    Last edited: 3/27/24
  5. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    In this game the security never is 100% granted, but after around 1.000 sales I never had problems with the original owners, the scammers always are detected or prevented thanks to my method explained in this section.

    The account is transferred to me and, after it, and before the buyer payment, the access is replaced in the mails and devices of the owner. The account level 85 is replaced by a new account level 6.

    If the owner tells me that only has it linked on Google Play (Android), I check if also is linked on Game Center (iOS), or vice versa. If is linked in both platforms a replacement is done in both platforms.

    Also is checked if the owner has the account linked in the guest account.

    These procedures are recorded by video screen recording and sent in a Discord group with the buyer.

    Before start the replacements, I show the account to the buyer in the live stream.

    At the end of this section you have a transfer example with Discord screenshots.

    The webstore is transferred or unlinked in case is registered. This is important to prevent scams, as through the webstore, which at same time is an EA account, is possible recover the account claiming the account as # on EA Help chat support. Once transferred or registered, you have the total control of the account and no one can recover it through support. In case you detect some suspicious activity, you will be able to contact support and request delete the access in all other mails and devices, to be sure the original owner, me and no other one has access to the account.

    After the replacements and the webstore transfer, the chance to be scammed is very low, never happened, as the scammers never would apply my method, so they not accept apply my method if you try buy an account in some other place and use me as middleman, or they not contact me simply.

    I offer an insurance to all buyers without expiration time. In the owners net profit is subtracted a 5% of the sale price, as would be a seemed fee that would apply PayPal when I send them the money as "goods or service", but in this case I manage myself the insurance. If is demonstrated that the owner still has access to it, the buyer will receive a full refund.

    In case that you claim a refund, the account will be permanently deleted. For my security in the insurance, the account is saved in a code, I will continue having access to it, but I will never join it again unless you need help to relink or you claim a refund because the owner still has access to it. If the owner wants try to sell the account again will not work, as I will delete permanently the account and will not be possible recover it, neither contacting support. If the owner contacts EA support to recover the account, also will be deleted and will not be able to sell it again. Before delete the account is changed the webstore to my mail and I try, through support, delete the access in all other mails and devices and relink the account to the buyer once solved. So don't try scams in my insurance, as will not work.

    All owners know my method, so they are not interested to join again in the account only to generate a refund to the buyer and the account deletion, only very bad persons would have that thought, this not happens in this game, in this community, never happened to me after more than 1.000 sales, so you don't need be worried about it and you have the insurance to be sure you will never lose money, the only risk is my own money.

    Rest of method of other sellers are not safe, because they only transfer the mail and password of the platform where is linked the account, but they not check if is linked in the other platform and in the guest accounts, and usually they not transfer the webstore or they don't know how to unlink. If you have an Android phone and an iOS device, like an iPad, you can have the account linked in both platforms, is very easy, in the EA website there is a tutorial about how to link the account in a new device, with a tool included in the game settings, through Facebook. Additionally, you can have it linked in the guest accounts of both devices and have it linked in 4 places and sell it 4 times. This scam only is prevented in my method, where is checked if is linked on Google Play (Android), if is linked in the guest account of the Android device, if is linked on Game Center (iOS) and if is linked in the guest account of the iOS device.

    If is paid by PayPal, as the digital accounts are not included in the seller protection, only in the buyer protection, to be safe for the owner and prevent that the buyer opens a dispute to claim a refund once transferred correctly the account, is needed send me the money as "friend or family". As I told before, I will subtract a 5% of the sale price as insurance for the buyer, so you will have a better protection than the PayPal buyer protection, as the insurance will not have expiration time and the claim will be expedited the same day, instead of be needed wait weeks for it. On PayPal is 180 days buyer protection, so the scammers can wait 180 days and sell it again. This not happens in my method. If is demonstrated that the previous owner still has access to it, is granted that you will get the refund, something that PayPal cannot promise, as they not apply my verification methods.

    If you plan use PlayerUp as payment platform, you must know that currently PlayerUp is having delay problems, some 3-way conversations are delaying several months to be started, I have costumers waiting since January 2023 to be started the 3-way conversation and support is not helping them, so maybe your money will be on hold during several months until you can start to use the account. Until PlayerUp solve these problems, I would recommend use PayPal directly. If you prefer use PlayerUp I have no problems with it, but the account will continue being for sale and will not be possible transfer it until the 3-way conversation is started and the cashout received, as also I have cashouts pending to be received since February 2023, so I not want generate new problems to the current owners. The price in this case is an extra 13%, as PlayerUp charges me a 13% fee, and when you send the payment PlayerUp will charge you another 2% in most of payment methods, so, as total, is 15% more expensive. When they solve these problems I will edit this part, so if still this explanation is active it means they still not solved the delay problems.

    This method works in all platforms: Android (Google Play Games) and iOs (Game Center). You will be able to link the account in your Android devices (phones, tablets and emulators), in your iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) or in both platforms and several devices and mails at same time. The instructions are sent by private message on Discord. I cannot tell the instructions here in public, as would teach the scammers.

    The account can be linked in your main mail if the owner not had it linked in the same platform. If the owner had it linked in the same platform is needed create a new mail. On Android is not a problem, as you can switch accounts easily in the accounts menu selection. On iOS is a little more annoying switch accounts, as is needed disconnect Game Center on iOS settings and then write the mail and password of the other account. The switch process is only 30 seconds or less if you save the mail and pass in your settings, but maybe for you is important be able link it in the main mail, then check the details in the list to be sure is not linked in the same platform.

    If you have some account linked in the main mail and you want keep that account, is possible move that account to a new mail and link the new account in the main mail. I will help you during the sale to do all these procedures.

    Other sellers only transfer a mail and password, so you need use a mail that another guy registered, which is not very pleasurable and not safe, as they can use some mail recovery function, which is specially easy on Google Play Games accounts, with the Google Account Recovery function. Also there is the risk that the mail gets blocked because of suspicious activity, which happens when are people in different countries.

    In my method is not transferred the original mail and password, as could be considered as illegal account transfer if you use the same Google Play Games profile in a different country, as happened to the best streamer of this game, AhnaldT101, he got banned his second account because of this reason, he bought an Asian account and was purchasing items in the Play Store with the Asian prices, which are cheaper, so got banned. Always is better use your own mail, which will have the correct country and the correct Store prices, and link there the account, or create a new one. On iOS devices directly is not possible buy items in the App Store if you not use your own mail.

    This is an advantage for the owner also, as the owner doesn't need deliver the main mail, which maybe also is being used for other games, has apps and items purchased in the Play Store or App store, is the mail used for the configurations in the device or is an important personal mail. Is not needed transfer the mail, the owner keeps the mail, the access to the account through the owner mail will be removed by my unique system, the buyer will use the main mail, or a new mail, where will link the new account. We will never know the mail of the owner and, logically, neither the password.

    Also you can check in my PlayerUp profile that I have more than a hundred of positive feedbacks, you can check that I'm a verified member since 28th January 2017, a lot of years ago, so it means that all my costumers are happy with their accounts.

    [​IMG] The "Verified" status means that PlayerUp verified my identity with documentation, with a national identity document and a bill. No scammer would do that step, as would be very easy put a lawsuit.

    [​IMG] The "Silver" status means that I completed more than 20 Middleman transactions, you can check »»here«« the info about these membership levels. Also take into account that per every PlayerUp Middleman transaction I sold another 7 or 8 accounts with other sites or payment methods, usually my total sold accounts is around 5 times my feedbacks. I already did more than 50 sales through the PlayerUp Middleman service.

    This is the
    link to access directly to my PlayerUp profile with the feedbacks:

    I do 24 hours live stream every day to demonstrate I'm a trusted seller. The owners and the buyers are more confidence to sell/buy through me, because I have no problem to show my face on Internet. I share all my social networks, where you can see more pics and videos about me, like my Facebook and, specially, my Instagram, where I constantly publish pics and videos about myself.

    If after all of this still you need additional proof about me, you can join in my Discord server and talk with owners that already sold their accounts or buyers who already bought accounts and ask them if they had some problem with me.

    Also you can choose some sale in my sold accounts and I will show you all the sale process and, after it, if they are inside my Discord server you can talk with them about it.

    Through me the transfer is very safe thanks to my method, between 30 and 40 minutes of the sale is only to remove the owner access, 10 minutes is to transfer me the account, 5 minutes the payment and 10 minutes the transfer to the buyer, so
    the process usually delays around 1 hour, is the only way to make it safe and I'm the only seller who applies a real safe method.


    The transfer starts adding the owner and the buyer in a Discord group.

    After it and the initial presentation, I talk with the owner to transfer me the account.

    I do 24 hours live stream, so the buyer can check all the process on YouTube. The video will not be saved, as I never stop the recording, I'm live streaming since November 2022, the limit to be saved the video is 12 hours, so if some day I stop the live stream it will be deleted. Also is disabled the Digital Video Recording (DVR), a feature which allows viewers to pause or rewind the live stream, so if appears some personal data will not be possible rewind.

    I not show the procedures explained in the private conversations, to prevent that some people try it themselves and not correctly, generating problems. Always the best is contact me and request my help for a correct and safe transfer, also if you found the owner/buyer.


    Once I got the account linked, first of all I show the account to the buyer in the live stream, by this way can check is exactly the same account and that there is no problem:


    Next is remove the owner access, to prevent that connects again in the account or sells it again. The owner does a video replacing the account by a level 6 account, so, from then, when the owner joins in the Google Play mail or Game Center mail only will see a level 6 account.

    The owner does a video screen recording as demonstration. Also does another video showing the guest account, to be sure not linked also the account there. Finally, I try replace the account in the opposite platform (Google Play if the owner had it on Game Center, or Game Center if had it on Google Play), to be sure not has it linked in the other platform:


    Also is transferred the webstore, step which I not show in the example, as this thing changed after I published it, but when I update the example will show it also.

    After all these demonstrations the buyer can be sure is safe send the payment, as the owner lost the access and the buyer saw the account in my live stream.

    Once the buyer sent me the money, starts the link to the buyer device:


    Finally, once the buyer got linked the account, I send the money part to the owner, subtracting my fee as seller and the insurance.

    The owner confirms the receive and the account transfer is completed:


    All process usually delays around 1 hour. In this example has been 2 hours because the owner had some problems to understand the replacement process, but at the end got it.

    In case that some part is not available is not needed both connected at same time, I can start the first part with the owner, which is the transfer to me and the access deletion, then when the buyer is online does the payment and gets linked the account and when the owner is online I send the money part, so if in some moment is needed stop the process and continue later is not a problem.
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