Sold Level 74, 1500 Barn,1500 Silo, 1.6 million+ coins, 400+ diamonds

Discussion in 'Hay Day Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BoomBeach12411, 1/6/24.

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  1. BoomBeach12411

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Gold Status: This user has successfully completed 50+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
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    Supercell ID account.

    21 crates in roadside shop.

    Boat, Neighborhoods, Mine, Valley, Fishing and Town have been built.

    All available machines have been purchased.

    7-day FREE farm helpers are available. (Note: Use this first before farm helper booster. Otherwise, 7-day FREE usage is gone!)

    Wildlife Sanctuary has been unlocked.

    37 pets.

    Main farm has been expanded(4 pieces of land have not) except the lands across the road.

    All fishing areas in the pool have been expanded.

    Lobster pool has max capacity, i.e. 6 slots.
    Duck salon has max capacity, i.e. 6 slots.

    Net maker has 6 slots.
    Sauce maker has max slots.
    Dairy has max slots.
    Sugar mill has max slots.
    Bakery has max slots.

    Town Level: Level 18.
    All service buildings have 6 slots(Max capacity).
    Town hall, Station: Level 12.(Max level)
    Personal Train: Level 10.(Max level)
    All lands in town have been expanded. Full of decorations.

    27 25-hour Tom boosters.

    I only accept Paypal payment to me directly. Make sure I will receive posted price after the transaction fee if there is. (Please do NOT make Middleman offer.)

    The price is fixed. (Please do not ask again.)

    I have done 150+ Middleman transactions. Gold verified seller.

    My post status is up-to-date. If the status is SELLING, it means it is available. (Please do not ask again.)

    Note: The Supercell ID email is For free version, you need to login once every six months in order to keep it active. You can download app to your smartphone and run once every six months.

    Note: Do NOT use the emulator to play Hay Day. Potentially, your farm will get the ban. Use at your own risk.

    Please use [email protected] for communication.

    Your payment amount is $65.16 CAD.
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