Selling Level 103 Vip 9 20 Full R2's and 8 full R1's

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wallmapit, 11/20/16.

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  1. Wallmapit

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    I'm selling this account because I have no more time to play it.
    I've spent over 1 year on this fantastic game and I managed to reach even rank 1 once, almost without paying.
    My server is 20 Mystic; I'm more than half level 103, and in probably less than 2 weeks I would be lev 104.
    I have more than 23k gems, and for now I'll take care of the sign-in reward.
    I have also over one month left of the "annual Card" (180 gems per day) and of course I'll get them.
    My War Hall lev is 4 and the heroes Turtle Fighter and Sorceress are almost full enpowered in the training field.
    I think that this account is worth 150 euros (159.03 usd #), but we can discuss about it!
    I hope someone will take care of this my beloved account!
    Thx for reading
    Wallmapit Server 20
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