Rank 2. Units Lightning/Tilith/Zidane other units not worth mentioning. Paypal only. $12 please if you would like this account. The account is currently unlinked so you can create a facebook of your choosing.
Also selling 2 Elza starter accounts. $8 each. The Brave Frontier units are out of the pool and can no longer be summoned at the time being and Elza is the 5* Base unit of the banner a Monster in PVP when leveled up and hits very hard outside of PVP as well.
its not gone but I have the problem where my computer short circut and that lightning account isnt linked so I cant sell the account until its working again. The 2 Elza accounts however were linked to facebook and can be sold.
due to unfortunate events.. the unlinked Lightning account was lost due to my computer being down all I got left is the 2 Elza accounts for sale. I apologize greatly for this.
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