Sold Selling Selling a 29.8 billion power accout $850 USD

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Stdenis, 11/19/16.

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  1. Stdenis

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    I'm selling a 29.8 billion power accout in Cass state . RSS is 295 billion stones, 287 billion oil, 391 billion steel, 126 billion food, 383 billion coins. 710 millions troops . Thousand days of speed up. Everything almost at lvl 22 beside a few farms. Vip is lvl 100 n still have million in vip points. Commander is lvl 62 and still billions of xp point for upgrading commander. Tons of mods and legendary full set there about 15 legendary core set still in creates. A lot of creates needs to be open still. There just over 50 million in gold . Asking 850 USD for it . If interested feel free to email me .
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