Sold [Selling] RS3 Completionist Account - 33b+ total wealth - 19 120's - 17 year veteran

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by xiopetiy, 12/24/23.

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  1. xiopetiy

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    RS3 Completionist Account - 33b+ total wealth - 19 120's - 17 year veteran

    This account has an active completionist cape (still active post-necromancy). It has 33.9b+ total wealth according to the wealth evaluator (as of 11/2/2023). The keepsake box has a red santa hat, red/blue/green/purple/orange halloween masks, green santa hat, golden partyhat, and seasons outfit. Aside from the 19 skills at level 120, all other skills are at least level 113 with 50m+ xp. It has many valuable abilities unlocked and perked-out weapons and armor. The account has enough banked supplies for 120 construction, fletching, cooking, and firemaking.

    PM if you have questions-- serious inquiries only, please!

    Note: Since the below screenshot of the skills was taken, the account has also achieved level 120 Smithing.

    Chat me Discord: malibukaa

    Price: $270
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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