Sold Trading Trading High End League of Legends Account for MT Gold

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TeraTHW, 11/19/16.

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  1. TeraTHW

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    Amazing League of Legends account, been played on since season 2, tons of exclusive/limited skins like Championship Riven from Season II (original, not remastered), most halloween/christmas skins, all champions except for 8 or so non-meta / support champs, bronze s2, silver s3, plat s4, gold s5, gold s6, and currently at a high gold-low plat MMR. Over 1500 normal game wins, many summoner icons, 1+ skins for nearly every single champion, most Legendary skins, 3300 RP + 2000 IP on account, good name, NA server, nearly every single rune, 17 rune pages, level 7 lux mastery with 150k+ points, championship victorious ward skin from season 3, all victorious skins after season 3, 1 chat ban on record from 2012, no other bans, no refund tokens, perfect account to play with! Account has over 85 skins!

    Looking to trade for MT gold, taking offers. Don't have a skype, we would have to use discord or something- to discuss further, pm me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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