Selling Selling Knights 90/90 Skills - A Few servers

Discussion in 'Tibia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vornax, 11/18/16.

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  1. Vornax

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    Hello All,

    I Have for sell some account 10 lvl knight with 90/90 skills


    2x Nika
    2x Magera
    1x Guardia
    2x Refugia
    2x Pacera
    2x Celesta
    1x Luminera
    2x Fidera
    1x Unitera - new
    I never use any # (ibot, ...........) on this accounts. When i training skill i use mouse recorder. .
    Accounts dont have voucher.
    For all account i accept Tibia Cash or Tibia coins. I accept middleman.
    Waiting your offers!

    I think thats all and sory for my english xD

    Of course All account unregistered XD

    14.11.2016 - 2x new account added to sell ^^
    14.11.2016 - One account - Guardia sold
    15.11.2016 - Two Account - 1x Luminera and 1x Unitera sold

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