Selling Selling Strong Naruto Blazing Account Top 500-100 Phantom Castle Player

Discussion in 'Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DeathBringerL, 11/18/16.

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  1. DeathBringerL

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    A high level account with Nine 6* characters, all limit broken close to max (and I still have a big inventory in which I have the things you need to max them), almost limit broken to max all possible 5* characters, max luck in plenty of characters, which makes farming raid and events much easier and also means that you won't have to grind when the raids come back since I already did the work ;) , only missing two exclusive characters Skill Haku (which I would say is not in much use with how far the game has progressed) and Wisdom Sakura (which I will get in two days or so by buying the bundle making my 6* characters ten), all strong characters, and few irrelevant(since I wanted to max everything possible :p) also max out with pills and still have plenty of pills in the inventory, after getting the sakura bundle i will get Asuma another unique character which you can only get by pulling a multi in the bravery banner and by pulling in the bravery banner I am guaranteed another 6* character, and last but not least I will get at least 3 if not 4 times the bravery Sakura which is featured in the Phantom Castle(after the event is over in a week) at the moment(getting all 5 dupes doable but hard since I need to be top 100 but still possible) which is an extremely useful character as she provides healing even as a buddy skill!!!and after Phantom Castle is finished(in a week) will get a reward of at least 10 pearls but probably 20 since i will finish at top 500 ;).
    One last thing is that the faster you get this account the more chances you have to finish top 100 at Phantom Castle if you want to invest some pearls into it. and forgot to mention that i already have Wisdom Gaara's materials to awaken if you pull him in future from a banner, as well as Lee's materials and Heart Itachi's. And there also still plenty of pearls left from story mode for you to get!

    PM me for Price and more photos if you want.

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  2. bluhx

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    how much, and mind pmming for more pics?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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