Sold Selling 12.54B power. Selling account!

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bhults, 11/18/16.

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  1. bhults

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    Looking to sell my account in SEAJ #164.
    12.546 Billion power and growing!
    Commander lvl 60.
    VIP lvl 94 with unlimited VIP time
    TOP 5 Alliance-Allied w/ top two alliances in state.
    Ultimate Attack Mode
    6 Commander Presets

    -lvl 22 HQ
    -lvl 1 monument w/ Second insignia Slot
    -Black Market
    -lvl 10 speed up factory
    -lvl 11 Troop Academy
    -lvl 16 Combat Lab
    -lvl 6 vault
    -lvl 22-Wall, Research Facility, Armory, Prison, Radar, Warehouse, Embassy, Hall of Heroes, Death Row, War Room, Hospital x 3, Training Ground x 2, Bank, Farm x 2, Quarry x 9, Iron Mine x 2, Oil Well x 10
    -Lvl 21 - Training ground x 4, Bank x 7, Iron Mine, Oil Well x 2

    -4.616 Billion Research Power!
    -Economics Tree, Commander Tree (including lvl 8 rebel), Combat Tree, Traps Tree, Manufacturing Tree, Advance Traps Tree, Advanced Combat Tree Completed
    -Battle Tactics Tree- Complete through Rally Time reduction, lvl 10 troop defense III/troop health II/Troop Attack II, Rally attack Bonus lvl 9
    -Set Bonus Tree-Lvl 7 through specialized commander Bonus, lvl 6 through specialized armored vehicle attack bonus, 1/3 Commander preset, 5/10 bottom row
    -Mod Set Bonus- 5/10 mod set modifier, 2/2 second row, lvl 1 through armored vehicle attack mod set bonus
    -Building Development- lvl 1-2 through second insignia
    -Mercenary Combat - Tier 1 troops complete, lvl 2-3 through mercenary armored vehicle defense

    -Over 142 million troops!!! 4.2 Billion troop power
    -Regular: 40.03 M T3 (12.33/8.04/10.81/8.85). 28.7M T4 (7.52/7.43/6.93/6.82)
    -Advanced: 19.98 M T3 (8.15/4.64/7.19). 41.92M T4 (14.35/13.12/14.45)
    -Mercenary: 7.02M T1 (2.54/2.03/2.45)

    -T1ger Cl4w, Lone Wolf, Ground Breaker, Hammerhead, Barricade, Fear Monger, Double Trouble complete sets
    -Almost entirely legendary gear

    -legendary: attack, academy, energy, health, gear head, missions, rebel destroyer, drill, destruction, medic's, vault

    -over 125K days of speed ups!

    -4B stone, 5B oil, 19B iron, 4.6B coin, 5M gold (these will change as I continue to grow while waiting for a buyer)

    Can send screenshots if desired.
    $1000. Price #
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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