Selling op knd account 20+ sf+, 20+ sf, 15+ df and sf craftable materials

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by superhotfuego, 11/18/16.

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  1. superhotfuego

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    Sup everyone, first time seller here. Been playing KnD for a while and put in a LOT of money into the game.
    This is an iOS account!!
    -Over 20 Shadowforged PLUS (few of them with sets, and all maxed)
    -Over 20 REGULAR Shadowforged armors
    -Over 15 DF+/DF
    -Too many epic/SF rings/amulets to count
    -LV 456 account

    This account is top top tier. I've put in so much money I don't even want to say. The reason I'm selling it is because I recently got a new job and it's been consuming a lot of time aka less time for me to dedicate to KnD. Line ID is royalkinglrpf
    Message me on Line to make your offers--I know how much money I've put into it, please don't disrespect me by offering a low amount.

    If you need proof, message me on line.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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