Sold [Offer] FGO NA 55 SSR/ 100WNP with all META support, all META looper, and MLB CE including...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Frostivied, 12/22/23.

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  1. /u/Frostivied

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    Some details of the acc:

    - Space Ishtar and Morgan NP5

    - Almost all of the SSRs are at least NP2, those that are not at least NP2 usually have better alternatives that are NP2 in this acc (for example mordred is only NP1 but Artoria is NP2)

    - All SSRs skills are at least 9/9/9

    - Lots of limited SRs are NP5, almost all past welfare servant is also NP5

    - Can loop on all card type. the acc have all of the support SSR, almost all of the meta dps SSR, and oberon so looping with all card colour on both AOE and single target NP is easy

    - Can field chaotic evil +foreigner crit team (gogh,douman,summer bb or any combination)

    - Can field immortal team (morgan/reines/himiko+merlin+castoria)

    - Have great soloist SSR servants like kagekiyo and enkidu

    - Lots of non event MLB CE, including Kscope and Black Grail

    - Have 3 copies of GUDA-GUDA poster CE (taunt CE)

    - 19 CE bombs available to max level CE of your choosing

    - Have almost all of the command code

    - Lots of material and the account is maintained daily

    - LB6 is cleared

    FC: 764,838,545


    Price: $900, but we can negotiate

    only accepting paypal Fnf or middleman at buyer expense

    you can DM me here or on discord: Frostivied#7497

    # #/Frostivied
    # .
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