Selling Ranger LVL50 Marshall OP, Heredur. (selling)

Discussion in 'Drakensang Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Klaas pieter, 11/14/16.

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  1. Klaas pieter

    Klaas pieter
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    Ranger LVL 50 is in heredur.
    has really good Krit dmg and really strong in pvp and pve ! its 1 shot all.
    Pvp level: 43
    Wisdom level: 40 ( so he can be better ! )
    much inventory
    nice pets/mounts.
    it has Q3 shield. kara set. and other sets.
    And the charakter is famous in DSO ( so many friends ).
    Stones: +70-135

    Contact: danny.balkende5

    I want just money. nothing else to put in a other charakter ! so send me offers . no first so stealers go a way. thnx bb
    dro_release177_12_0.jpg dro_release177_12_1.jpg dro_release177_12_2.jpg
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