Sold Selling EU Red Eclipse 2x65, 2x50, Eternal DvL, still a SUB, shae vizla

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by misha999, 11/14/16.

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  1. misha999

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    Vanguard 65
    Marauder 65
    Gunslinger 50+
    Sith Sorc 50+

    Eternal Dark vs Light completed. (50% experience bonus set unlocked)

    Legendary still possible to do (pretty much needs just world bosses, ops, HM flashpoints, crafting, rakghoul disease spreading to do)

    Rakghoul event will be on this week so no problem there.

    Account was a sub before and on 25th october (and still is) = Shae Vizla companion on kotet release.

    In cartel market storage items like:

    Tulak Hord upper body armor
    Tulak Hord lower body armor

    (so you will need supplementary to unlock the whole set)

    Black-White endurance crystal

    Account is pretty basic, but its great starting point to do all stuff thats left for DvL

    Except that in cargo bay real treat:
    Flamehair Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
    Ruddyscale Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
    Sablefur Kowakian Monkey-Lizard

    and more random stuff both in cargo bays and cartel market stash that You might find useful.

    on top of that 750+cartel coins to spend AND unused referal (so its pretty much bonus 7days sub and You can sell it to some1 for estimated 4m credits if You reffer to them, or you can just ref to your other account for bonus cartel coins.)


    payment method: paypal only

    price: 39$

    EU The Red Eclipse server
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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