Sellings VBUCKS via logging onto your epic games account and loading them in. VBUCKS PRICE $20 for 13,500 $40 for 27,000 $60 for 40,500 $75 for 54,000 $90 for 67,500 $105 for 81,000 $115 for 94,500 PAYMENT METHODS: BEFORE YOU BUY How do you get the vbucks on your account? I load the vbucks on your account through your epic games login, if you don't want me to login to your main epic games account, just create an alt. Althought I can't do anything with your epic games login, as you have the email. Requirement Your account has no current and never has had an xbox account linked with it. If it does, just use a alt epic games account and gift skins to your main Discord: RNG x3#3128 Discord Server: